1992-12-00 Rubicon Tramway
01-atoptheincline.jpgAtop the incline111 views
02-intheinclinecar.jpgBrave explorers in the incline car84 views
03-explorersatrubicon.jpgI think we should go THAT way...132 views
04-lookingdowntheincline.jpgLooking down the incline110 views
05-bridgeclosed.jpgBridge under repair154 views
06-halfway1.jpgBridge and other tracks at the sawmill halfway141 views
07-shedhalfway.jpgShed, wagons and track near sawmill127 views
08-aqueductdamage.jpgWashaway near the top102 views
09-endofline.jpgLooking down the line from the weir108 views
10-rubiconweir.jpgOn the dam wall142 views