1992-12-00 Rubicon Tramway


Rubicon Tramway - Some time in the early 1990's
We had heard of the Rubicon Tramway and decided to take a walk along it. We set off with our backpacks, lunch and sensible shoes and drove to the Rubicon Power Station.
Above this we could see the rails heading up the incline to the top of the penstocks. A fairly strenuous (but short) climb brought us out at the winding station above the incline. A solitary rail vehicle sat on the rails at the crest of the hill, attached to the cable. A shed there presumably held other rail vehicles?
After a brief rest, we set off along the line beside the aqueduct. A most pleasant walk through the forest, the line meandering its way up the valley with the water rushing past in the nearby aqueduct. A number of wooden trestle bridges were crossed along the way. One had had recent repairs and a couple of new piers put in. A further bridge had a "Closed for Repair" sign on it, a large dip in the deck no doubt the reason.
We had lunch at the sawmill about halfway up the line. A siding sent into the mill area, and there was a rail shed across the line with a few wagons in front of it. These proved to be most comfortable resting places for a quick nap.
After lunch we continued our trek up the valley, finally coming out to a weir where the line ended. Just before the weir was a spot where the aqueduct had leaked/broken/slipped away and the following rush of water had taken away a chunk of line. The aqueduct had been repaired with corrugated plastic pipe but the rails had fallen into the void.
From the weir we cut across country through the bush to a dirt road that ran roughly parallel to the line a km or so away. This we followed back to the car.
The walk was quite long and took us all day, I can't remember the distance - 20km or so?
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